About Us
BVH transport consulting is an associate company of Bakwena Ke Bao. BVH is an innovative transportation consultancy that specializes in all aspects of transport planning including; sustainable transport, public transport, and transport economics. With over 20
years of combined technical knowledge, we provide expert advice covering the entire transportation sector, thus helping you make
sound decisions in today’s complex environment.
BVH is a level 1 BBBEE Level 1 Contributor, with 100% Black Women Ownership
To provide reliable, continuous,
and cost-effective service
through a strong support team
of transport specialists..

This is our core part of our
transport business and underpins
much of what we do. We develop
and deliver transport models
using a host of modelling tools to
determine the impact of proposal
project, provide evidence for
decision making and help
understand the long-term
consequences. We use the four
steps of transport urban planning
processive. Trip generation, trip
distribution and traffic

Our quantitative approach features the
use of self-report measures on
carefully selected samples. The
applied research questions are flexible
that can be used to study a wide.

BVH operates on the following principles:
Delivering transport solutions through innovation: Innovation is essential to keep the world moving in the most sustainable way and it is
something we are passionate about. Therefore, at BVH we are always developing fresh, but cost-effective ideas at the forefront of
transport solutions.
Transport professionals: Our founder held Senior positions within the transportation industry. Our team of experienced professionals
and practising consultants have decades of experience and integrity.
Flexible and practical support: BVH offers expertise at the level you require strategic or technical, available on a project by project basis.
And because we’re results driven practical hands-on experience, once we understand your needs, we get down to work.
BVH is a BBEEE Level 1 Contributor, with 100% Black Woman Ownership..
Our Strategic Intent .
Our Vision
To be a valued partner to our clients and an asset to our communities. We will undertake and deliver any project, regardless of size. To provide a differentiated offering.
Our Mission
To provide reliable, continuous, and cost effective service through a strong support team of transport Specialists..
Our Objectives
We will conduct our business in an ethical and
professional manner with our commitment on
protecting our clients and employee. We will provide premium services with novel solutions that will increase proficiency and maximize efficiencies. We will continue to recruit and attract top talent in
our industry and allow our employees to grow and
develop their careers.
Our Values
EXCEED your expectations
OFFER value by putting clients first
INNOVATE by always developing fresh ideas
TEAMWORK we believe that the best results are
achieved when everyone works together
COLLABORATION we work with other, share ideas
and recognise others contribution
PBS Application Management
▪ Application for concept approval in all
▪ PBS permit application applications.
▪ Route Safety Risk Assessment.
▪ Route mapping and desk top mapping
with detailed rotes description.
Transport Logistics that work for you :
As a transport vendor, our operational ethos at
BVH Transport Consulting is to develop
modern, but cost-effective ideas which are at
the forefront of sustainable transport. This is
coupled with a measurable quality of
standards, including advisory services pre and
post project execution.
BVH transport consulting is an innovative
transportation consultancy that specializes in
all aspects of sustainable transport planning
and design including public and Freight
Transport Policy, Operations Design and
transport economics. With over 20 years of
combines technical knowledge, we provide
expert advice covering the entire transportation
sector, thus helping you make sound decisions
in today’s complex environment.
Our Clients and Alliances